Importers / Exporters
Are you an importer / exporter? Here you will find all the necessary information to operate through the Port of Barcelona.
Last notification from SAC
APM - BEST - Horaris Festa del Pilar (12/10) / Horarios Fiesta del Pilar (12/10)
Adjuntem comunicats de les terminals d'APMT i BEST referents als horaris amb motiu de la Festivitat del Pilar.
Adjuntamos comunicados de las terminales APMT y BEST referentes a los horarios con motivo de la Fiesta del Pilar.
General services for importers / exporters
Ship calls planned
Ships calling today
Regular maritime and rail services
Information of interest
Port map
Many activities, facilities and services coexist in the more than 1,100 hectares of the Port of Barcelona.