Environmental actions

The Port of Barcelona measures and controls the incidence of its activity and carries out and promotes improvement actions in all areas.

Environmental management, transversal

The Environment Department of the Barcelona Port Authority (APB) leads environmental management. But the system is transversal. It interacts with the functions of various departments in the organisation and also involves various activities and facilities. The Environmental Management System (EMS) of the Port of Barcelona makes it possible to plan, evaluate, improve and disseminate its environmental action. It is certified by the ISO 14.001 Standard: 2015 and recognised by voluntary international standards. And each year an Environmental Programme is drawn up that sets the specific goals and goals to be achieved. The programme follows the strategic lines of the current Port of Barcelona Strategic Plan and is also reflected in the Port's Sectoral Sustainability Plan.

Outstanding environmental actions

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    El Mapa del Ruido del Port de Barcelona es un instrumento que visualiza la realidad sonora en su territorio y permite actuar para minimizarlo.
    El Mapa del Ruido del Port de Barcelona es un instrumento que visualiza la realidad sonora en su territorio y permite actuar para minimizarlo.
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    El Puerto ha trabajado con éxito para proveer de un nuevo hábitat a la población de cormoranes.
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    El Port de Barcelona tiene organizada y sistematizada la respuesta ante situaciones de emergencia ambiental.
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    aire ok
    Las acciones incluidas en el Plan de Mejora de la Calidad del Aire del Port de Barcelona ha permitido reducir emisiones cada año desde 2016.
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    agua sostenibilidad
    El Puerto controla y analiza la calidad de sus aguas.