Sàpiens magazine

The culture and history magazine Sàpiens has maintained a relationship with the Port of Barcelona since 2013, which has resulted in a series of reports dedicated to raising awareness of the port and maritime transport, always in the words of those involved.

Sàpiens has also published extensive reports covering the history of the Port of Barcelona, such as the one written for its 150th anniversary, and on essential aspects of international trade, including the history of the container.

Descobrir Catalunya magazine

Descobrir Catalunya is a monthly travel and tourism magazine. It pairs carefully selected photography with specialist reports on Catalonia's geography.

It has dedicated a number of monographs to the Port of Barcelona, particularly with regard to its environmental and sustainability initiatives.

Descobrir. Any 2020 - Port de Barcelona: Un valor sostenible
Descobrir. Any 2021 - El Port de Barcelona integra mar i ciutat a través de la sostenibilitat

Butlletí d'Arqueologia Industrial i de Museus de Ciència i Tècnica

The Association of the Catalan Museum of Science and Technology and Industrial Archaeology was created in 1979 by a group of industrial engineers from the Catalan Association of Industrial Engineers who wanted to provide Catalonia with a Museum of Science and Technology, an ambition they achieved in 1984.

Its butlletí is the most widely used communication tool among its members and has been published without interruption for over twenty years. In addition to the news inherent to the association, it contains all kinds of articles relating to industrial archaeology, not only in Catalonia but all over the world. It is undoubtedly a key reference in the field of archaeology and includes articles aimed at both informing and advocating.

Butlletí - De embarcadero de viajeros a sede de la APB
Butlletí - La Torre del Rellotge celebra el seu 250 aniversari
Butlletí - La Torre del Reloj, un símbolo del puerto y la ciudad de Barcelona