Coffee and cocoa

The Port of Barcelona is the port of entry to Europe for coffee and cocoa traffic as well as being a hub in the Mediterranean and a distribution centre. It is also the main route of arrival of coffee to the Iberian Peninsula.

Consolidated and strategic traffic

The Port of Barcelona's regular maritime connections with the main producing countries such as Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, India and Uganda make them a strategic point for distribution in the Mediterranean and Europe.


International certifications

The Port of Barcelona is the only maritime enclave in the Mediterranean certified as a deliverable port by the New York (ICE) and London stock exchanges (LIFFE). The certification highlights the high levels of quality in terms of coffee storage spaces and conditions, as well as the logistical infrastructures appropriate to the product.

Llegada de contenedores al Port de Barcelona

Warehouse companies

The Port of Barcelona has the experience of five large international storage companies.