Sant Cristòfol

Located at the tip of Sant Cristòfol, in the municipality of Vilanova i la Geltrú, this lighthouse was not included initially in the Lighting Plan elaborated by the government of Isabel II. But the pressure from local skippers and sailors made it possible. Its facilities now house a museum dedicated to the sea and other informative initiatives.


San Cristobal
41º 13.0' N - 01º 44.2' E
National Number
International Number
19 nautical miles
Focal Plane Elevation
27 m
Luminous Appearance
3 flashes every 8"

Reference in the Garraf area

It was turned on for the first time on 12 August 1866 and proved its usefulness, as it was the only light between Salou and Llobregat. It serves as a reference for boats that want to find anchoring points in the Garraf area at night.

The lighthouse was electrified on 6 August 1918 and its lamp has a range of 21 miles. It was turned off during the Civil War, from 13 February 1937 to March 1939.


Silver dome

Its structure is a trunk-shaped, cylindrical stone tower, topped with a kicked dome. The tower is attached to a house and its enclosure is limited to the west between the stream that limits the port of Vilanova and the rocky coast of the coasts of the Garraf.

The building currently houses the Espai Far, with the Sea Museum and other spaces dedicated to the dissemination of the maritime world and culture.

  • Far Sant Cristòfol
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