social value


social value


The human capital of the Port of Barcelona - all the people who work there - is a strategic factor for its development in all areas. That is why it is essential to guarantee their well-being, health and the development of their skills and abilities.

Furthermore, however, all the activities carried out in the port area are important for organisations and users relying on the services of the Port of Barcelona and for the surrounding metropolitan area. The Port's social and relationship capital is therefore also a value that has an impact on the fulfilment of its objectives.

During this year, the APB continued to roll out the actions of the APB Equality Plan 2017-2019 and has publicised it on the Port's website. Its Standing Committee on Equality recorded no incidents related to equality and/or harassment.

The Port took part in a series of talks after joining the Talent Girl project, which seeks to promote the development of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) talent and promote scientific and technological vocations among young women and girls of the next generation, to help close the gap between men and women in this type of work in the near future.

In 2019, the APB recruited 23 people with disabilities and none at risk of social exclusion.

Under the Succession Plan project, in 2019 the APB conducted 135 individual interviews with all organisational profiles to gauge their impressions of the organisation and their expectations and work concerns. 

Human capital: our staff strategy

Employment in the Port of Barcelona

APB staff:


(152) women

(372) men

(456) People covered by the agreement

(68) People not covered by the agreement (managers)

Presence of women in governing bodies:

Board of Directors

Executive Committee

Steering Council for the Promotion of the Port Community

Training actions for Barcelona Port Authority staff

Three cooperation agreements were formalised in 2019, which include training benefits for APB staff: one with the ESADE Public Governance Centre and two more with the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya. The APB carried out a total of 411 training actions in 2019 aimed at groups and individual workers.

Training actions

training actions




average satisfaction score

Port Community

Training sessions were organised by the Department of Business Development for import/export companies this year, with the participation of:


professionals from over


European School - Intermodal Transport

training actions


Internal communication

The APB uses consciously internal communication to unite its staff and contribute to spreading behaviours such as transparency, honesty, respect and innovation, fundamental ideas behind the Naveguem Junts [Let's sail together] brand.

In 2019, it set up several actions and face-to-face meeting and participation spaces:

  • Annual Let's Sail Together Day 2019, ith over 300 participants. It included the screening of the video-documentary La resposta [The answer], starring APB staff, on how they dealt with the cyberattack suffered by the Port in September 2018.

  • Brand/selection portal: creation of a portal to publicise the Port of Barcelona as a place of employment and to make it more attractive to potential candidates.

  • Internal documentary on the 150th anniversary of the Port of Barcelona, Els fils de la memòria [The threads of memory], projected during the celebration event for staff.

Occupational safety and health

APB medical services

In 2019 Barcelona Port Authority (APB) Medical Services attended a total of 18,609 medical visits, including 3,815 rehabilitation sessions, for the APB workers - both active and retired - as well as the Bosch and Alsina care centres and the WTC Barcelona building for their family memebers. According to the census update, this entire group numbers 1,434 people.

Healthcare for APB staff, 2019

Monitoring workers' health

medical examinations (+5.5%)

Average workforce 582 workers:

  • 353 medical examinations on permanent employees (60.6% of the total staff)

  • 20 medical examinations on temporary workers (3.4% of the average annual workforce)

Health promotion

Action in this area led to the APB receiving the recognition of Good Business Practices in Health Promotion in the Workplace in 2019, awarded by the National Institute for Safety and Health at Work (INSST)

Occupational risk prevention

During 2019 the APB prevention management system successfully passed the periodic follow-up audit of the OHSAS 18001 occupational risk prevention certification and is preparing for the new ISO 45001 certification.

Accidents at work

accidents, all of them minor, 10 of which led to sick leave.


he accident index discounting in itinere accidents, was down 59% year on year.

Ensuring the security of people and goods

The Port of Barcelona must guarantee the security of the people, goods, areas and facilities in its physical environment. The APB's Corporate Security area coordinates the forces, services and units responsible for this security at all levels.

Port Police

The Port Police is a professional security force that depends on Barcelona Port Authority and performs its functions within the port area, checking and monitoring the service area and the maritime and land operations related to port traffic.

Traffic circulation area

breathalyser tests


traffic violations reports


administrative reports

Healthcare area

  • 679 ambulance services and various types of assistance were provided to 532 citizens.

  • Cooperation with FREMAP, which has a medical ambulance, allowed emergency medical assistance to be provided within five minutes in the Port commercial area and the Z.A.L.

Public safety area

  • During 2019 the Port Police launched 3% fewer criminal proceedings (542 in all) but recorded 6% more criminal acts.

Administrative area

  • 60% of administrative acts, 851 in all, were for confiscation of products peddled on the street, (-17%) and there were 39 inspection reports filed.

Port security

Compliance with regulations

  • The most significant events that occurred during 2019 in compliance with port security regulations were the validation of the Port Security Assessment by the Secretary of State for Security of the Spanish Ministry of the Interior and the approval by the Management Board of the security plans for three port facilities affected by Regulation 725/2004 EC.

Measures implemented

  • Measures to combat illicit drug trafficking.

  • Annual approval of the CCTV video surveillance system.

  • Supervision of the services contracted by the APB for the surveillance and provision of private security services.

  • Implementation of automatic lanes and technical resources necessary for access controls for authorised users to the perimeter accesses of Gates 25 and 30.

Port security office

  • 16 ISPS drills (practical and theoretical).

  • 2 general drills conducted: one on maritime security and one on land.

Accreditations and permits

  • 149 permits were authorised for acts, events and filming and there were 5,764 complaints processed under the Services and Police regulations..

Industrial safety

During 2019, under the collaboration agreement with Barcelona City Council in matters of civil protection, fire prevention and extinction and rescue, Barcelona Fire Brigade received a fire truck (BUP-410). This year work was also undertaken on a new edition of the Mutual Assistance Agreement (MAP), to establish the means of coordination and availability of resources of the member companies during an emergency.

Port Self-protection plan (PAU)

This year there were a total of 182,328 authorisations in compliance with Royal Decree 145/89 on the management of dangerous goods.

This year a total 863,528 tonnes of containerised cargo (+1%) and 14,250,033 tonnes of bulk cargo were handled (-1%) classified as dangerous.

Social and relationship capital

Participation in organisations

The Port of Barcelona seeks to have a say in the main national and international port sector organisations to be able to closely monitor the progress of the sector and to take decisions to influence it.

National organisations

  • Spanish Association for the Promotion of Short Sea Shipping (TMCD)

  • Spanish Coffee Federation (FEC-ANCAFE)

  • Barcelona Logistic Centre AEEPB

  • Spanish Association of Natural Gas for Mobility (GASNAM)

  • Barcelona-Catalonia Logistic Centre (BCL)

International organisations

  • European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO)

  • International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH)

  • World Ports Climate Action Program

  • Intermed

  • MEDports Association

  • Medcruise

  • China’s European Logistics Centre (BARCELOC)

Corporate relations field

Corporate communication 

Highlights of the year:

  • Design and production of stands and/or specific materials for fairs, conferences and events, by the Image Area.

  • The Department also brought the main technological advances for reducing the environmental impact and saving energy to the fore.

  • Spreading branded content publishing numerous articles on topics of the greatest interest in the main Catalan, Spanish and international media.

  • Coordination of the edition of the book commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Port.

  • Two master videos and six microcapsules on the Air Quality Improvement Plan, disseminated through social media.

  • Support and accompaniment various television productions and reports featuring the Port of Barcelona. One highlight was the Spanish TV programme “Five days in...” which dedicated two 25-minute reports to explain the day-to-day activity of the Port.

Social media

More than

followers in total (2 profiles)

More than

followers, the fastest growing social network (+3%)



Institutional relations

About 600 activities, 400 in the design and coordination and about 200 in protocol and assistance to the Port President in her participation in various events.

Some events in 2019 that deserve a special mention were the holding of the first Christmas Fair in the Port Vell and the complete programme of events aimed at the Port Community and the public that was organised on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Port of Barcelona.

Other relations with stakeholders

The customer care service

The Port of Barcelona Customer Care Service (SAC) is one of its direct links with the market. Its main objectives are: to improve the transparency and reliability to the passage of goods through the Port of Barcelona, acknowledging the figure of the final customer as one of its main assets; identifying and transferring the needs of the market to Barcelona Port Authority and its Port Community is one such objective; and how to offer importers/exporters as much information as possible on available services and infrastructures.




Social action

As part of its social sustainability policies, the Port of Barcelona promotes actions aimed at society at large and at the Port Community, or certain groups.

These are some of the most important in 2019:

Initiatives aimed at the public and the port community

  • 150th anniversary of the Port of Barcelona.

  • Sixth the solidarity paella to fight Alzheimer's disease.

  • Publication of the Sectoral Sustainability Report 2018.

  • Guided tour of the Llobregat Lighthouse.

  • Participation in the conference entitled Smart ports: Piers of the future.

  • Dedicated space at the Ciutat dels Somnis [City of Dreams].

  • Organisation of the first Christmas Fair in the Port Vell.

  • Collection for Barcelona Food Bank.

  • The Sports Dance Section of the Port of Barcelona.

  • The APB participated in a project for offsetting the CO2 emissions produced by business flights.

  • An exhibition on sustainability issues within the 27th Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention and Sustainability of the Port Community.

  • Sustainability ambassadors.

Services to seafarers

The Port of Barcelona takes special care to respond to the needs of this group. Alleviating these shortcomings is the aim of the work by Stella Maris and the Port of Barcelona Welfare Committee.

Main services of Stella Maris, 2019



Sailors transport service:


Social assistance:

in aid

The Port of Barcelona's Welfare Committee

The Committee held three meetings in 2019 to propose and follow up on the various activities carried out, which include:

  • International Maritime Organisation Seafarers' Day

  • 31st Seafarers' Conference

  • Inter-religious day

  • Sports day

Port vell activities

The Port Vell (Old Port) is an extensive land and water area of the Port of Barcelona that is open to the public. This “citizen port” model is a model that has been emulated by many other ports in Spain and around the world. Each year it attracts around 16 million visitors. Activities and actions of a social, recreational, cultural and sporting nature are carried out throughout the year following criteria of economic and social sustainability. This 2019 highlights the following: Fiestas of Saint Mercè,150th Anniversary of the Port, Christmas Fair in the Port (150th anniversary), Arrival of the Three Kings, Raluy Historical Circus, Swimming across the Port of Barcelona, Nautical fair.

SDGs addressed in this section: